To Check Log/Services/Activities/Running Processess
To check all Running Processess: ps aux To check logs: last To check list of ports: netstat -tupan
ps aux | grep time
To check all Running Processess: ps aux To check logs: last To check list of ports: netstat -tupan
for move file —> mv noldfile newfile to make new directory > mkdir dirname to put file into a new directory > mv textfile dirname/ to change file name > rm filename to view the text file …>>>>> less filename to add new user >>> useradd to del user >>> userdel username less command to … Read more
field allowed values —– ————– Minute 0-59 hour 0-23 day of month 1-31 month 1-12 (or names, see below) day of week 0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names) ———————————————- Minute – Hour – Day of Month – Month – Day of Week * * * * * Command goes here —————————————— How … Read more